Just Two Ladies
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Enneagram: 6
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Enneagram: 4
I decided to go barefoot, because Fours tend to always be trying to find their true selves, and also love to be different. I would imagine in a place where most would wear shoes, a Four might opt to be spontaneous and take their's off!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Oh, hey, it's me! Let's give this blogging thing another shot, shall we? Here's an outfit post! Woohoo!
Since I'm back, I'm hoping to make a few changes. I'll talk about the rest later, but for now I just want to say oooone thing. When I read some of my blog posts, I feel like I don't exactly sound like me. I'm goofy, and silly, and I made stupid jokes - and I think that comes across in some of my posts, yeah, but other times... I just think I was too detached from this blog, the first time around. I'm going to try to make it a little more personal, because I think that it makes the blog seem more friendly and relatable. At least, I hope so. We'll see. :)
since jump-shots are already so silly looking, I've decided that mine will always included ridiculous faces...
Anyway, enough of that. This is a special outfit post, and lemme tell you why.
For years, I have avoided heels like the plague. I'm 5'7", which I feel is plenty tall, and I've always wanted to be a few inches shorter. I felt like a giant when I wore any shoe with more than 1/2" of heel. But those days are over. I've taken the first step toward embracing my height...and I bought some wedges.
I love them. They are awesome. The bomb. Walking in them isn't awkward at all, and I don't feel the least bit ashamed of my height. In fact, I feel really good about myself.
And so, there ya have it. I am no longer a flats-girl. Well...I still do love flats, but you get what I mean.
<3 x Courtney
Top - $5 -Charlotte Russe
Skirt - $20-25 - Forever21
Belt - Forever21
Necklace - altered, originally from Forever21
Wedges - $15-20 - NY&Co.
Monday, June 13, 2011
A Dream Come True
Sunday, March 27, 2011
It's been exactly one month
since the last blog post. And we've lost followers, which is not surprising at all. I'd like to really apologize, because I've not been putting very much effort into the blog lately, and it was just starting to actually really get going...
I'm not really sure what's going on with Sarah, because I don't see her very often lately. however, I had a lot of posts lined up, but I lost the motivation to get anything done. I've been stressed out lately, and I have a lot on my plate at the moment. I feel like right now I need to focus on things that are a little more important to me: the upcoming school year, my job, and my relationship with my boyfriend as well as those with my friends. So I can't really tell you how much you'll be seeing of me in the next month or so, but when everything settles down I promise I will get back to blogging regularly.
I hope things are going well for you all.
x Courtney
P.S. apologies for my atrocious grammar, as well.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Something There
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Working for the weekend

Necklace - old ring on a chain
Watch - NY&Co